Remember this post? Well I am still looking around for that perfect logo for my blog.
I am getting tired of the look of my blog and am wanting something cleaner, fresher, unique to me.
So in my search for something better I was wondering…..what do my readers think of me?
When they read my name what do they think of? Cats? I am not a cat lover, they are adorable from far but I am more of a dog lover than a cat lover. My name? Which is Actually Amy and not Allie…..
The name AllieKat is actually a nickname for my daughter. My grandfather (who passed away when she was 2) asked me if he could call her Alley Cat for short and of course it stuck. She was his one and only great grandchild. Of course since she is my pride and joy I decided Alliekatmom is the perfect name……what do you think?
As far as a logo design…do you all think I should have a logo with a drawing of a little girl in it? Should I just keep it simple with some pretty writing and a little design….or maybe add a sewing machine or some scissors so everyone knows this is a quilting blog?
It of course will be purple, orange and gray. My blog is looking too green and blue these days.
I would love some input from my readers on this.
If you want to design one for me even better….LOL