…….but who?
I received this charm pack in the mail yesterday. YES! Its Sherbet Pips! Not even out yet! Everyone LOVES it! The few precuts that were released early are already gone! Most people have to wait until April for this….but someone loves me! (notice the !!!!)
Who is this someone? I have no clue. This came in an envelope yesterday. I thought to myself *I didn't order anything, but the return address has the word fabric, and it feels like a charm pack..hmmm*
Of course when I opened it I was lost for words. Really I was jumping up in down inside but I had company and didn't want to look like a looney…I'm sure she wouldn't have minded much though. LOL
Anyways, whoever sent it (has to be someone with my addy, which there aren’t many…I have a few ideas of who it could be)
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!