I will work on getting a picture of the others I made too. Thanks Kelly :)
Of course you know I am moving soon….so its time to do a little destash.
Here are a few things I would like to get rid of. I will be listing it on Etsy, but if you see something you like just leave me a comment and I can get it to you. I really am just trying to make room so I am willing to sell these for a good price.
All three 1/2 yard cuts.
One on left is 1 yard. Two on right are 1/2 yard each.
Three on left are 1 yard, two on right are 1/2 yard each.
All 1/2 yard print. Great for baby quilts.
Misc prints all FQs
All FQ’s Lizzy House. Castle Peeps.
Three on left are all yard cuts, the one next to it has had a piece taken out for a block I made but is still well over 3/4 yard. Two on right are FQs.
One on left: 1/2 yard. One on right 1 yard.
I am open to offers in the next couple days. Will be listing on Etsy by Friday. Shipping will be whatever it costs me to ship…any extra will be refunded.
Me? I don’t love them. I sometimes wonder why I join bee’s because I have yet to find a sampler quilt that I really like…..until now.
I am currently in only two bees and my month just happened to be the same time for both bees, so I decided I was going to have both bees do the same block.
I sent out this stack of fabric.
Asking the bee members to make me one 16.5 inch block…only I wanted them to go together somehow. Since I don’t usually like sampler quilts I decided that if each person added two borders around their block (one white one color) then they would tie together.
I think my idea worked out well and I love the top of this quilt…and to my surprise its large enough to fit my king size bed.
I sashed it with Kona ash and I think it really lets the blocks shine and makes it neutral at the same time.
Only three things are on my mind about this quilt. I would love any input or suggestions.
1. How should I do the back. I would love to give it a simple design that is easy to do but somewhat interesting. Plus of course it has to be affordable and large enough for a quilt this size.
2. Quilting. Anyone have any advise? I could free motion quilt all over this of course but wanted to see if anyone had any clues….also any tips on quilting a quilt this size. Not sure how much it would cost to send it to a professional.
3. Although it fits fine on my king bed, I would love for it to be a tad longer on the sides. I need some options. It is long enough but not wide enough. I have thought about adding another row of blocks but that means I have to creatively come up with 4 more blocs for this quilt…..anyone want to help? LOL
Anyways there is my accomplishment I have been working on for some time now. I am proud of it and it just might be one of my favorite quilts to date.
Yes! I said it! I am quilting today! Working on one of my WIP. Pattern designed by a friend of mine and I am testing it out for her. I must say that I like how it looks finished, but I really suck at matching all the petals up. So it doesn’t look so hot. LOL
It feels good to actually be quilting again. I haven't had the bug for a long time and have had to force myself to want to quilt. Which I pretty much had to do with this quilt that has been an ongoing WIP since last fall! Gasp!
It feels good to have a top done and waiting for the final steps. I think it actually gave me a little motivation to work on a few more WIP. I think I have 3-4 that are sitting in my closet….not including the two that I need to buy backing for.
Going to be moving in August. The week after school starts. Husband and I have decided that we need some time apart….so Aliya and I will be moving into a one bedroom apartment late August.
Its on the other side of town, closer to the boardwalk. Aliya will be changing schools, but it is an excellent school there too.
I will also be starting back at school in August. Working on my Bachelors in Nutrition. Hopefully finish in two years. Taking 6 classes this fall which is 16 credit hours. I will be very busy, but it will be very worth it in the end.
Just wanted to update all my friends…just in case you are wondering where I have disappeared to.
I am working on a quilt though. Along with the many things I need to do to get ready to move. Hopefully be posting pictures of that soon.
Just in time to get more blocks in the mail I’m sure. At least I am done for now and I have nothing that I HAVE to sew this week. Feels nice to be all caught up.
First I did a block for VIBees Megan requested patriotic themed blocks. So I attempted a “wavy” flag. I wish it would have been a tad more wavy, but I think it will be ok.
Second block was for my Fresh Modern Bee and “Wonky” was the theme. So I had this vision in my head and WOW! Next time I get this vision somebody slap me! LOL It was not easy! Although I like how it turned out, I think it was a little more than I really wanted to take on.
I also managed to pick up my sewing room a little bit. It still have a little mess from sewing today, but for the most part it is all picked up.
So happy (early) 4th of July! Hope everyone has a great holiday.
I am so excited to finally share with you my second Moda Bake Shop Tutorial. I have had this quilt done for quite some time now and have been anxiously waiting for Christmas in July!
I hope that you enjoy this quilt. I just love HST’s and this quilt was so much fun to make.
Let me know what you think! Happy Christmas in July!
I have been extremely busy this summer. Sorry for the inactive blog. I really have had little time to sew or do anything. Also have found that we are moving. I have found an apartment that we are going to move into and we will see if it all works out. So please pray for me that I can get into the apartments before school starts in August.
This August is going to be a busy month for me. I have lots of cleaning, purging, and a huge garage sale planned. We have to move the week before school starts and its an hour away. Not 100% sure yet, that is where I will settle. It all depends on if everything is meant to be, I believe if it is then things will just fall into place and I wont have a problem moving like I keep thinking I will.
Aliya starts Kindergarten and I will go back to school full time. Taking a whopping 16 credit hours. Not going to be fun but it has to be done.
Hope you all are having a lovely summer! Also check back on the first as I will have a surprise for you! Happy quilting!